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What others say about our work

  • "Partnering with the CWRC to implement the Organizational Effectiveness process is one of the best decisions I have made as an administrator to date. The process as a whole has injected a sense of hopefulness and optimism into staff that lasting and meaningful change is attainable. I could not be happier with the level of collaboration and partnership between my agency and the CWRC."
    • Child Welfare Administrator of Class 6 County

  • "We have done extensive work with the OE department around continuous quality improvement and succession planning. Their assistance has been invaluable in helping us prepare for changes and implement new initiatives. They bring a depth of knowledge and a framework to help solve problems and drive positive change in our work."
    • Joshua Edenhofer - Administrator

  • "We have greatly appreciated the OE work with CWRC!! It has been such a huge help with so much. Our Practice Improvement Specialist has been a wonderful facilitator and is able to keep all staff involved on track and focused on the issues at hand. We have developed so many important new policies and procedures to make our agency run smoother and more effectively with OE work. Thank you for offering this to us. I hope all counties take advantage of this service."

  • "Transfer of Learning sessions allow caseworkers to sit back and look at their cases from a new perspective. By using a real case as an example, caseworkers can connect things learned in training to their actual casework outside of the classroom. Transfer of Learning sessions help caseworkers to feel more confident in their assessments and skills as they navigate new cases and scenarios. Transfer of Learning sessions also help supervisors to feel confident in their reviews of assessments and guidance to caseworkers. I personally feel counties should be utilizing transfer of learning sessions on a yearly basis as a refresher for all staff working CYS cases."
    • Lindsey Chambers, Onboarding, Outreach and Quality Manager Sam-inc, Tioga County

  • “It makes me excited for work because it gets me out of the day to day. They are an outlet, and we don’t get outlets otherwise. We wish we would have started this sooner.”

  • “Our practice improvement specialists have walked with us and helped us identify and focus on goals to make our agency stronger. They have assisted us in focusing on those things we can change by narrowing down root causes and identifying specific areas for growth and improvement. They have been easy to work with and we all look forward to our monthly sessions.”
    • Erin Moyer, Lebanon County Administrator