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The Organizational Effectiveness/ Regional Teams Department serves all 67 County Child Welfare agencies and many statewide efforts to strengthen the Pennsylvania child welfare system and support positive outcomes for children, youth and families.
We do this in three ways:

System Improvement: We work with county agencies to provide consultation and support using an organizational framework for technical assistance to promote successful completion of agency goals and mandates. [more info]

  • Assistance in identifying promising and best practices
  • On-site technical assistance, clarification, support, and materials.
    • This may include:
      • Assistance in implementing evidence-based and empirically supported services;
      • Support Family Center grant programs;
      • Support Independent Living programs
      • Development and implementation of a quality improvement processes; and
      • Provide opportunities for youth and parent alumni to advocate, educate, and improve the system.

Training and Resources: We work with our customers and partners to identify training, transfer of learning, and technical assistance needs and resources. [more info]

  • Identify consultation and training needs through regular meetings and individual contact
  • Collaborate with other agencies working on behalf of children and families
  • Identify, coordinate, and schedule training, transfer of learning, and technical assistance for county child and youth agency staff, and other key partners and partners across the commonwealth.

Research, Evaluate and Develop: We work with county agencies and partners to assess, develop, monitor, and evaluate county and statewide improvement efforts. We also study and monitor the models and tools we use to enhance their effectiveness.[more info]

  • Support child welfare professionals in application of knowledge and skills in their daily practice with children and families.
  • Conduct organizational assessments to align continuous improvement efforts with sustainable change.
  • Support statewide projects and initiatives connected to child welfare practice.
  • Gather and utilize customer feedback to inform our continuous improvement efforts.

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Piegraph with three equal sections: Research, Evaluate, and Develop. Training and Resources. System Imporvement