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Unpacking the No

August 27, 2020

You believe in and are committed to permanency for all children regardless of age; yet still you struggle to make this happen for older youth. This workshop will delve deeper into how to help older youth achieve permanency. What are older youth really saying when they say "No" to permanency? What is required in a relationship with older youth to develop the trust needed to have them believe permanency is possible? Who are the other players in the permanency plan for older youth and how do you ensure that all are committed to permanency? This workshop will provide information and insight into developing a successful relationship with youth and helping them look beyond their initial fears. Additionally, it will look at techniques and strategies for ensuring that the entire team is committed to achieving that permanency.

Video Links:
Every Kid Needs a Family: Advice to My Younger Self
Every Kid Needs a Family: A Message to Caseworkers
Like the Lap Bar on a Roller Coaster, Teens Will Test You to See if You Will Hold

A digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.